The System 438: Accomplish-meant

I don’t think that’s what his boss accomplish-meant. GET IT?
So what did you accomplish this week?
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The System 416: To Don’t

Are you a list-maker? What always goes on your list? And maybe never gets done?
OH, and are you going to Intervention this weekend?
Here’s where to find me!
When I’m not at my table, I’ll be on the following panels / events:
FRIDAY, 2pm (Panels Room 1): Get off my lawn!
“How do I make a webcomic?” That’s easy and covered by the other panel, but what about “How Not to Make a Webcomic?” Everyday someone decides to make a web-comic and then makes the same mistakes every other failed comic has made before. This will be an in-your-face session where panelists will describe the most common mistakes they’ve made or seen others make that delayed progress on their webcomics career and the pitfalls to avoid.
SATURDAY, 6pm (Main Events Room): Super Art Fight!
The self-described “Greatest Live Art Competition in the KNOWN UNIVERSE” makes their Intervention debut. Equal parts Pictionary and pro-wrestling, Super Art Fight is an exhausting spectacle sure to blow your mind! Shield your eyes as artists clash on the creative canvas, and have their bouts fates chosen by the WHEEL OF DEATH, a random topic generator filled to the brim with suggestions from YOU, the fans!
SATURDAY, 10pm (Main Events Room): Super Art Fight Unleashed!
You’ve seen the show. You know what they’re capable of. Now what happens when we give them a live microphone and zero plans? Join the gang behind Super Art Fight as they discuss the history of SAF, where it’s heading, and honestly, probably whatever else comes to mind. No filter, no set topics. Shield your eyes, children; it’s gonna get ugly.
SUNDAY, 10am (Panels Room 2): Hear It Here First: Who Should You Be Reading Now So You Can Brag About It Later?
Who are the up-and-coming comics out there? Who will be the next break out star? Come discuss with our panelists the comics that will be everyone’s favorites this time next year–or who should be.
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The System 235

Did you know you could buy a print of this comic? In fact, all the comics? Crazy! Check out the new online store for The System,!
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The System 211

The System 203
