The System 363: Surviving The Week (Remastered)

This is a re-drawing/remastering/retelling of an old comic that I (and I’m sure many of you) have been feeling lately. I hope it helps.
The System 730: What Is The Best Gift?

But what’s the real best gift?
This was last week’s Medium chart. Of course, this week’s chart is up now.
The System 720: New Symbol, Coffee Ahead

Long time no see, guys!
Well I’m moved into my new apartment, Awesome Con is over, and life is starting to get back on track. Have an awesome weekend.
Remember I always read the comments and respond if you ask me something. Be chatty! Say hi.
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The System 706: Metro Disaster

Don’t even try to get around on weekends. Werewolves.
Thank You, Katsucon!
Katsucon was an amazing weekend! I had to go straight from the convention back to work, and it’s a busy week. So as much as I’d love to spend paragraphs and paragraphs telling you guys how awesome all of you are, but I’ll keep it to this. You are awesome.
Some things from my Tumblr and an art show…
I’ve been making some posters lately and putting them up on my Tumblr ( Some just for fun, some things I’m working on, and some that are for actual projects.
This first one (above) is for the Death Star Art Show, which is next weekend in Baltimore. Here’s some details:
On Friday, October 7th 2011, Baltimore area artist will pay tribute to the horror genre and a galaxy far, far away. Whether it is a mash up of your favorite movie monster playing an intergalactic bounty hunter or a direct reference between Dracula and the Sith, we got you covered. Death Star Art Show is proudly presented by the mega powers of Charmed Life Gallery and Super Art Fight.
You should click here to see the official Tumblr site for more details and more of the amazing artwork that will be at the show.
As for the “28 Parsecs Later” piece, the response was pretty great, so I’m going to make it available from the HilariAwesome store after the art show.
Also on Tumblr lately you can see my take on Wilford Brimley as Cthulu, a motivational typographic poster, and something about poop. I can’t garuantee a schedule, but I’m having a lot of fun doing these posters so there will probably be more soon. Every time I do one all I can think is “I went to school for this.” Then I laugh and cry a bit.
The System 499: The Zombie Apocalypse and You

I was walking around London, seeing all the bicycle commuters go by (way to go, UK cyclists!) when this thought occurred to me. Bikes would be really handy for the zombie apocalypse. In movies you always see people with cars that run out of gas or won’t start, or on foot. Bicycles would be a great compromise! You could dodge around all those cars that get left in the road, the trash cans and boxes that wind up in every scene. You’d be quiet (as long as you avoided the bike bell) and with relatively little maintenance. Sure, there’s the thought of the occasional flat or your chain coming loose, but then you wouldn’t be that worse off than being on foot. The bike could even make for a makeshift weapon to give you some distance from a few brain-guzzlers that won’t leave you alone. If not, the U-lock definitely could crack some heads.
Which led me to my next thought: bike messengers would survive the zombie apocalypse. They’re fast, well organized and let’s face it, look like they’ve already survived the apocalypse. I’d love to see a movie about a few bike messengers working to make their way out of the city, all talking on their walkie talkies and using poster tubes to knock some heads. The ones on fixed gear bikes would be the first to go, zombies walk up hills and don’t care if you can “hover” at a red light.
Oh, and I must say! I did a quick bit of research, and I’m not the only one to think of this idea:
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Fan Titles for “The Walking Dead”
THE WALKING DEAD “Opening Titles” from Daniel Kanemoto on Vimeo.
These aren’t the real credits from the show, these are more of a fan interpretation using artwork from the comics. Still, when it comes to the show, I can’t wait to see this thing.
Zombie Poster of Awesome
Thanks to Systemic and long-time friend of The System Marty Fn Day for sending me this amazing poster. Well he sent me a link to the poster. If he actually sent me the POSTER that would be way cooler. Hear that, Marty? Huh?
It’s a painstakingly detailed image of almost 1,000 different zombie references from movies, books and games all in one great poster. The site even lets you zoom in and pan around to see all the references! Definitely worth checking out. Seems like they may start making more of the same, be sure to stay tuned to
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The System 417: Analogy

I was looking for more analogies. Got any to add?
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The System 400: What Else We’ve Learned

Welcome to comic #400, and the 2-year anniversary of The System! I know what you’re saying, comic #1 was posted July 1st. True, but it went live somewhere around July 8th and y’know what? Close enough.
Since then we’ve seen lots of changes to the site, from some recurring characters to comics that have been across the internet and back (with varying amounts of credit thrown my way). I could not have made it this far if not for the help of my many friends (both those with websites and without) and fans who have encouraged and supported this project along the way.
Over the next few weeks you will start seeing some improvements around here, as some new personal opportunities have come up that will allow for some more time and effort to be put on the comic and its various accoutrement. If you’re a fan of the site and would like to do your part, check out the online store and consider supporting the comic and taking something home while you’re at it. If you don’t see something you like don’t worry, preorder for BOOK 1 of The System will be going up soon along with other pieces of amazingness.
For those of you less monetarily inclined but with plenty of free time, it always helps when you share comics on StumbleUpon, Reddit, forums, blogs, BoingBoing or any other sites you frequent. Or for that matter just participating around here by commenting on posts and talking back as I use this site (and Twitter, and Tumblr) to talk at you. I know RossMom always appreciates it, and at this point I think we can pretty much call her a moderator. And yeah, that’s my mom.
Also upcoming, I’m going to start posting a bit of a retrospective on how The System is doing in an effort to show you guys what goes on behind the scenes and also get some thoughts out. Posts about how I’ve gotten this far (if you call this far) and what I’ve learned along the way. For those who like that kind of inside baseball I think you’ll appreciate them. For those that don’t, well, there’s always the comic.
Speaking of the comic, can you pick out where all the panels are from? The art is all from previous comics starting between comic #304 and #399. See what you can do and post it in the comments!