Upcoming Shows
I updated my Appearances Page and About Page. You should check them both out! As for the appearances, here’s what’s upcoming:
- September 10-12: Intervention Con (Bethesda, MD)
- September 18-19: Wild Pig Con (Springfield, NJ)
- October 8-10: New York Comic Con (New York City, NY)
- October 15th: SUPER ART FIGHT 8 (Baltimore, MD)
- October 29-31: Manga Next (East Brunswick, NJ) * as part of Super Art Fight!
Are you going to be at any of those places? Post in the comments and let me know!
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Connecticon Wrap-Up!
Connecticon! What a blast! What a show! What an experience! What a way to spend a weekend! If you want to see some pics I took during the weekend, check them out here.
This is a long post, so see the rest after the cut…
↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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The System 393: Know Your Symbols (Part 4: Prohibitions)

Another in the growing “know your symbols” series. Here are some quick links to the rest:
As mentioned, I’ll be at Connecticon this weekend! We’ll have shirts, prints of comics, stickers, and pins. Come by Artist Alley and say hi, check it all out, and of course check out our big SUPER ART FIGHT show. If you don’t know about Super Art Fight and our show, CLICK HERE!
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No Balticon for Me
Howdy, Systemics. Specifically those in the MD / DC / VA area.
For those expecting to see me at Balticon in Hunt Valley, MD this weekend, some bad news. I won’t be able to make it this weekend after all. For those hoping to see me there, I’m sorry to do this, especially at the last minute. There are still plenty of great reasons to attend, like a great lineup of Webcomic artists and some good friends. Unfortunately, you’ll have to buy their merch and attend their panels instead of mine.
More updates on upcoming merch, contests, upcoming events and appearances, and whatever else I can think of soon.
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Wild Pig Con This Weekend!
Hey Systemics! How many of you are in the tri-state area? Come to Wild Pig Con this weekend! I’m going to be joining my Super Art Fight crew for an amazing show at 4pm on Saturday, but there will also be tables to buy and meet people such as myself and a ton of comic friends including:
- Ami from Glass Urchin
- Danielle from Girls with Slingshots
- Joe (and I’m hoping the rest of his gang) from Digital Pimp / Joe Loves Crappy Movies
- Dern from Hello With Cheese
- Kev and Blondie from Caf-Fiends
- Caldwell Loldwell Tanner
- James from In His Likeness
and a bunch of others that, while worthy of your time, are not people I’ve met and can claim to know. But they’ll be there too. Here’s the guest list.
Details? Oh, okay.
WHEN: Saturday, May 15th from noon to 8 PM, and Sunday, May 16th from 10 AM to 5 PM
WHERE: The Springfield Holiday Inn on Route 22 West in Springfield, NJ.
HOW MUCH: Only $5 to get in. That’s really cheap!
Here’s their website for any more info. Let me know in the comments if you plan on attending! Mention the secret phrase when you come by my table and I’ll give you FREE STUFF. What’s the secret phrase you say?
Jimmy is out to get me.
What’s the free stuff? You’ll have to come by the table and find out. Also, a special guest! RossMom from the comments (yknow, my mother) will be coming by too. See her and me and my dad too! See you this weekend!
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Some Art Fight Things
A little over a week ago I had the chance to travel as part of Super Art Fight to ROFLcon as a guest. A guest at M.I.T., mind you! It was a great time and we had a great show. Thanks SO MUCH to Tim, Rachel, George (who owes me a $*&@ pen!) and the rest of the awesome ROFLcon people who helped bring us out and make that happen. For those that are interested, lots of little things have bubbled to the surface since, so here’s a quick roundup.
There’s a great writeup of what SAF is like over at GeekingOutAbout. LINK »
While we weren’t interviewed by Attack of the Show, they did most of their filming in the room we were selling merch. If you squint, you can almost make out me standing at our table with Jamie Noguchi trying to shill wares and get people to go to our show. You can watch the whole video here, but here’s a screen shot of what I’m talking about:
If you want to watch our actual show at ROFLcon, it will eventually be up on Archive.org. In the meantime, some diligent SAF fans recorded and posted most of the show in both photos and video. Photos are all on Flickr under the superartfight tag, and here’s a video of the ENTIRE SHOW (via the awesome Kurteng):
The trip was definitely an amazing one for Super Art Fight and The System, though it can be a little tricky to wear both hats at an event like this.
Luckily we had the show to do which went very well for all those involved. We had the honor and privelage to host more than our normal share of guest stars this time out including SAF roster regulars Chris Impink, Jamie Noguchi, Yuko Ota and Jamie Baldwin as well as newcomers to the canvas Zach Wiener, Tak Toyoshima and guest commentator extraordinaire Kris Straub. I’ll be honest, I love having SAF as a chance to talk to and work with other artists whose work I respect and enjoy. Sometimes, it even leads to other shows and projects, but more on that another time…
If you want more than this, Marty (and sometimes me but mostly Marty) keep all this sort of info about our Super Art Fight things over at SuperArtFight.com, which is the real place to keep up with all our upcoming shows and the like. You should go there and sign up for updates.
Anyway, hope you like the roundup! These things take me forever to write so if you enjoy reading it (or don’t), be honest and let me know in the comments.
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Oh yeah! I’ll be at Katsucon this weekend!
I went to Katsucon last year, (spoke on a few panels and everything) and I’m going again this year. Of course, it will be a little more interesting considering we are all still recovering from the SNOWMAGEDDON that has plagued DC for the last 2 weeks. I for one will have to be a little understocked, but I will be there and in high spirits! One thing is for certain:
If you are attending Katsucon, you should be sure to check out the Super Art Fight event we are holding Saturday afternoon at 2pm in Exhibit Hall A. Last year’s was the most amazing show to date, and we are looking to make this year even moreso.
So yes. Come to Katsucon. Come by my table. I’ll have shirts, prints, pins, and am up for just sitting around and answering questions, chatting, etc. I really go to these to hang out more than make big bucks, so have no shame about coming by just to say hi. The secret password is “I kern for keeps”. LINK TO THE CON SITE.
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Super Art Fight: Yesterday and Tomorrow!
Sometimes I think I’m last to the party. But sometimes that means I get to link to everyone else’s parties! Angry Zen Master, BaltiNerd, Bree “Sex Drugs and June Cleaver” Rubin and Super Art Fight have already posted, we Super Art Fighters had a show last night.
We had the opportunity—nay, PRIVELAGE to have a show with last night at the Metro Gallery with The Protomen, an ensemble rock opera about Mega Man. We did a live mural during the show via uStream that had Super Art Fighters and friends Slaski, Impink and Lar in attendance that was pretty great. It’s one of those great things that makes you look down at the life you’re living and make you realize you must be doing something right. Thanks to all.
Now, we’re gearing up for this weekend! Along with Nick and Marty, Angry Zen Master, Mike Bracco, Bree, Impink, Dern and Joe “Digital Pimp” Dunn we will be tabling and having multiple shows at GameX in Philly! All the details for Super Art Fight can be found here, but here’s the quick show schedule:
9:30AM – 10:10AM :: Super Art Fight
11:10AM – 11:50AM :: Super Art Fight
10:00AM – 10:40AM :: Super Art Fight
11:40AM – 12:20PM :: Super Art Fight
If you’re coming to the show, don’t expect any The System merch. It’s all online on HilariAwesome.com, but I’m not bringing it to the show. This weekend is about Super Art Fight only, which means boards, shirts and sketch cards will be for sale. Still, come on by and see some great shows, play some video games, and otherwise have fun!
Oh, and for more pics of last night’s show, check out the SuperArtFight TwitPics or Baltinerd’s Picasa collection.
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Connecticon Recap 1 – Panel Goodness
I’m going to be posting 2 or 3 different recaps of Connecticon, because it would not all fit in one post unless that post was really really long. Nobody wants that, so here we go. This one is all about Saturday, between 5pm and 8:30pm.
First up was a little event known as Super Art Fight. SAF has been a little project of mine and some local webcomics friends, and Connecticon was the biggest show yet. Through some sheer cohones and conniving on our part, we managed to get some of the most amazing webcomic artists in the biz, which was also a great chance to get to know some amazing webcomic artists that I hadn’t otherwise gotten to know. You can see all details in this post on the SAF site, and let us know if you have pics or video of the event. Or just let us know if you were there or heard about it or whatever.
The second big event pretty much speaks for itself. Check out this video of the beginning of the XKCD / Explosm.net panel which followed immediately after Super Art Fight.
That is part 1 of 8. The rest is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The rest is pretty informative and hilarious, which involves me in a blue jacket, drinking “water” on stage, and telling a few people to shut the hell up.
Honestly, it was a little planned. After I moderated their panel at Webcomics Weekend, the guys were nice enough to let me moderate this one as well. Y’know, I thought I wrote about that experience on the site, but I never did. I meant to, but got so distracted that I just linked to photos of it. It was a great time for me and them the first time around, so we all did it again.
If you found the site through XKCD or Explosm in some way, write a comment. For that matter, if you like the panel, post about it.
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Weekend Wrap-Up
UPDATE: See Below!
Wow, what a weekend! Super Art Fight and Otakon all in one crazy weekend! I know I didn’t talk about such things much on this site. Such is the problem with being busy and going places, you don’t have time to tell people you’re going to see them.
Thursday night was Super Art Fight. First thanks go out to Kate, the winner of the SAF ticket contest I announced last week. She had some great entries and just barely beat out some other amazing posts to win tickets to the show. The show went very well, and I was tweeting throughout the night through both Rosscott and the Super Art Fight accounts. Turnout was great, and thanks to those of you who were kind enough to make it. At one point, I was called to the canvas to draw during the last Art Fight, something that hasn’t happened since SAF 1 over a year ago. I wish I’d had Adobe Illustrator and a plotter, but it great nonetheless. To see standings, pictures, and more check out the official Super Art Fight website. Oh, and special thanks to Dirk Tiede, who made the trip from Boston and didn’t even stay for Otakon!
Friday through Sunday was spent in the humbling halls of Artist Alley over at Otakon. Thanks go out to each of you fans who came to the table. I caught the names of Blcknwhtenred, Spelchec and Enshogirl, but the rest of you are pretty awesome as well. Seeing comments and emails and stats are one thing, but meeting people in person and realizing that those are people on the other end makes me feel wonderfully thankful and happy and satisfied in a very special way. Thank you.
Thanks to all the webcomic people from the weekend, of course! If I have to write paragraph after paragraph I’ll be here a while, so howdy to:
- Hawk and Ananth, who let me join them in the monster line of death outisde the Baltimore Convention Center
- Dern and Kendra, whose kindness knows no bounds.
- Kev and Blondie, whose insanity (and kindness) also knows no bounds.
- Mookie, Kilika, Garth, Steve and Brian, who always have time to remind me I’m actually a member of a community.
- Chris and Barb, Marty and Nick who remind me that I have great friends around me.
- Jennie, Dave and Otter, who make me wish I had more time to hang out and do more than just wave.
- And to anyone I missed, let me know and I’ll try and correct the oversight.
If you want to see me or Super Art Fight soon, I’ll be a guest at Connecticon with The System and with SAF July 30 – August 2nd. Be sure to come on Saturday if you want to see the Art Fight! For more upcoming things, check out the appearances page.
UPDATE: If you are a new reader to The System after finding me or my stuff at the con, comment here and let me know! Say hi to your new favorite way to waste time after XKCD hasn’t updated.