The System 775: Working Late

The System 712: Tips for Short People Attending Concerts

This is how it felt to see Ellie Goulding with my girlfriend and be only 5’6″. The top of her head looked lovely.
I’ve been trying to update more! It feels good. You guys liking the updates?
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The System 619: iTunes Supernova

This seems like the logical evolution of the iTunes logo. Soon, the interface will be so glossy it’s entirely white.
Be sure to check out the other iTunes and logo posts. That’s what those big yellow words below this text is for!
Jimmy the Murderdog Sighting
Jimmy was recently spotted by Systemic James “Jimmy Hat” Hatton in this video by Devo Spice. Luckily, it’s early in the video so you don’t have to watch the whole thing (unless you really want to):
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The System 489: Cell Phone Advice

Did you see the monster post I wrote below? You should check it out. I’m redesigning the site, and all that is a way to look at not just making it look nice, but thinking of a better way to make this and other webcomic sites work. Check it out, won’t you? HERE »
In other news, here’s an interview I did with the Art Directors’ Club of Metropolitan Washington. Check that out too! HERE »
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The System 422: Personal Science – HEADphones?

See you in NYC!
I’m going to be at NYCC this weekend in New York City, sharing a table with Hawk of Applegeeks! Come find me in Artist Alley, I’ll have a table and everything. WILL I SEE YOU THERE? The correct answer is “yes and I’m going to give you money.”
I’ll have some new prints, comic prints, and shirts galore from my online store,
I’m on ZDNet
I’ve been working with Systemic SkawtNYC to reformat and create comics to go along with his blog posts over at ZDNet’s Tech Broiler. Today is one of those days where I did that. Be sure to check out his extremely detailed and well thought out posts for more of my comics. LINK »
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The System 413.5: The New iTunes

UPDATE: mig25 just pointed out there was already a “413” so I made this one “413.5” since at this point many are based on this sequence already. If seeing a half-number is really throwing you, close your eyes, click next, and think of England.
I updated the Appearances and About pages. If you can make it to any of the upcoming conventions and other events in the next couple of weeks, let me know!
The System 397: Sisyphus and Loverboy

Because even Sisyphus wants a little romance.
Thanks to Systemic Bridget for giving me the idea via our convo on Twitter the other day!
Another Magic Bean from Lextrical
Systemic Lextrical has put together another Magic Bean, an audio gem based on a comic or illustration. This time he took “What We’ve Learned Lately”, one of the 100-comic wrapups I do. Thanks, Lex!
What We’ve Learned Lately by lextrical
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Magic Beans!
Couple weeks ago a guy named Lextrical asked me if he could write music based on one of my comics. It turns out he creates musical pieces based on illustrations and comics a lot. Why not, right?
So, based on The System 78, here is a quick track:
He does these more often than I produce comics (in other words somewhere around every day) and they’re fun. So go check ’em out here.
He also has an album for sale (for as low as $0.00).