The System 805: Decorating
Be sure you buy the whole set of Eat, Love, Poop when you’re next shopping. I’m sure this will be in the sequel to Eat, Pray, Love aka Eat, Pray, Poop which really changes the meaning of why you’re praying and what it may have to do with the eating.
Thank you to my wonderful girlfriend Laura, who has great taste in home decor and also in my sense of humor. Make of that what you will.
Guest Comic: Dante Shepard
UPDATE: if you aren’t seeing the comic, I’m working on a fix even here from Wales where I’m staying. I can’t garuantee when it’ll be fixed but I’m aware and working on it. Fixed!
If you aren’t reading @danteshepherd’s Surviving the World, you should be. I got a chance to meet Dante at JohnCon this year, and found out that he’s a really awesome guy! Gave a great talk on the future of comics, which was part of what inspired my tirade on web design, so thanks for that. Also, due to his nature of actually standing IN his comics, he is probably the most recognizable face in all of webcomics. Thanks again, Dante, I owe you one!
I’m out of town through June 9th, and thanks to Twitter have guest comics to help keep you all occupied! Hope you enjoy them, and expect a fresh new comic as well as a big 500th surprise upon my return after June 10th. Also, all new orders will not ship out until my return, be aware if you’re planning on ordering. See you all soon! -Rosscott
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Your Logo Makes Me Barf
Can you believe that what you see above is part of a real sign? Someone thought to themselves that this poor excuse for typography and signage was a good idea?
Over at you can see plenty more logos that, well, may make you barf. It’s like Cake Wrecks for graphic designers. Thanks to Systemic Marty for the link! LINK.