The System 626: Exasturbation

I’m still deciding if I’m really going to make the next comic about “procrasturbation”. Also, thanks to Systemics Marty and Grace for help figuring out how to write this one. I can’t say it took the whole month but I was a little stuck.
Super Art Fight at the Black Cat on February 22nd!
In an ongoing effort to pretend to be a rock star, the Super Art Fight crew (including myself) is playing a show in Washington, DC at the legendary Black Cat rock club! I couldn’t be more excited. February 22nd, 9:30pm doors, $12 tickets, all ages. More details and info on preorders here.
I’m talking about comics and stuff in Baltimore!
I’m giving a talk called “How Comics Can Make Us Better Designers” to the web/design/development community in Baltimore as part of “Refresh Baltimore” on February 26th. It’ll be based upon but a revised and awesomer version of the talk I gave at Refresh last fall. It’s free. You should come! Here’s the EventBrite. Here’s the other details.
I’d love to see some Systemics in the crowd, and I’ll have time to answer all the questions people have on design and comics and stuff. Let me know if you can make it!
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The System 490: Feeling Adult

I’ve spoken before about the perfect PB & J in this comic. Clearly a topic close to my heart.
It’s true, I don’t know if you ever “feel like an adult”. I still feel like a big kid, and part of me hopes I always do. I still feel like telling a girl she has cooties and chasing after her anyway. You know cooties is real, right? Totally real.
Feeling like a kid is something that I think is very important to creative-types. I don’t mind responsibilities, lord knows I have plenty, but it’s the child-like moments that let you cope with stress, see things from a new perspective, and enjoy the little things. It’s something Rossmom taught me from a young age. How about you?
Oh, and that PB & J recipe? I’m going to take a lot of flak for this I’m sure, so go ahead and post your own interpretations. Here’s mine:
2 Slices of wheat bread
1 Jar of Skippy(tm) peanut butter (I prefer chunky)
1 Jar of strawberry jam
Toast the bread first. This is key. Then spread peanut butter on both pieces of bread. Less than you think, because you’re putting it on both pieces, but enough to cover it fully. Then spread the jelly on top of the peanut butter on just one piece (it’s in the middle so it doesn’t matter). This seals in the jelly so it doesn’t bleed into the bread, and makes the taste more even. If you’re feeling extra crazy, throw some banana slices in there too!
If you make it, let me know what you think! Trust me, the details are worth it.
Okay, go forth and enjoy. Get on the swing set, it was always my favorite. (Or, if you’re feeling more “adult”, go see Thor.)
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The System 434: Proximity Is 0.9 the Law

I see this each and every day. You?
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The System 400: What Else We’ve Learned

Welcome to comic #400, and the 2-year anniversary of The System! I know what you’re saying, comic #1 was posted July 1st. True, but it went live somewhere around July 8th and y’know what? Close enough.
Since then we’ve seen lots of changes to the site, from some recurring characters to comics that have been across the internet and back (with varying amounts of credit thrown my way). I could not have made it this far if not for the help of my many friends (both those with websites and without) and fans who have encouraged and supported this project along the way.
Over the next few weeks you will start seeing some improvements around here, as some new personal opportunities have come up that will allow for some more time and effort to be put on the comic and its various accoutrement. If you’re a fan of the site and would like to do your part, check out the online store and consider supporting the comic and taking something home while you’re at it. If you don’t see something you like don’t worry, preorder for BOOK 1 of The System will be going up soon along with other pieces of amazingness.
For those of you less monetarily inclined but with plenty of free time, it always helps when you share comics on StumbleUpon, Reddit, forums, blogs, BoingBoing or any other sites you frequent. Or for that matter just participating around here by commenting on posts and talking back as I use this site (and Twitter, and Tumblr) to talk at you. I know RossMom always appreciates it, and at this point I think we can pretty much call her a moderator. And yeah, that’s my mom.
Also upcoming, I’m going to start posting a bit of a retrospective on how The System is doing in an effort to show you guys what goes on behind the scenes and also get some thoughts out. Posts about how I’ve gotten this far (if you call this far) and what I’ve learned along the way. For those who like that kind of inside baseball I think you’ll appreciate them. For those that don’t, well, there’s always the comic.
Speaking of the comic, can you pick out where all the panels are from? The art is all from previous comics starting between comic #304 and #399. See what you can do and post it in the comments!
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Cupcake Sandwich Contest Winners!
Remember about, oh, a month and a bit ago, when I stumbled upon a little thing called the CUPCAKE SANDWICH? At the time I announced a rather fun contest that more than a few people opted to enter. Entries poured in. Roger Ebert was intrigued (and RTed this post). Even Hurley from LOST got in on the action. And then, silence.
Behind the scenes, it was a harsh battle. A truly difficult decision rife with conflict and dissention. But finally, I am proud to announce that MY MOTHER HAS JUDGED THE CUPCAKE SANDWICH CONTEST.

RossMom, shown here not knowing how to turn on her camera.
After the jump and without further ado, I present to you RossMom’s deliberations and the results of the Cupcake Sandwich Contest.
↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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Cupcake Sandwich Contest Update: It’s too late!
It’s now totally too late to enter into the CUPCAKE SANDWICH contest. A whopping TWELVE amazing and totally valid entries have crossed the inbox! While we are figuring out how to best tally the votes (some special ideas have been planned) here are a few errata that have come up on the topic of cupcakes and sandwiches that can hold you over as we produce some final judgments:
First up is Systemic Rachel “ROFLcon” Mercer’s link to the Cupcake Hamburger Sandwich. It looks amazing and if she’d sent me some of these little goodies, I’d be hers forever she totally would’ve been in the running for the grand prize. LINK »
Next comes a link from Systemic Kate, an article on Jezebel titled Bakery Backlash: It’s A Cupcake, Not A Puppy. Clearly some people haven’t tried THE SANDWICH yet. LINK »
Finally, via Systemic Cledwyn via Soon-to-be-Systemic Andrew Sullivan (once SOMEONE can find me his address and I mail him a BEARDS shirt) comes a blog called Dudes with Beards Eating Cupcakes. Combines my love for the CUPCAKE SANDWICH with my love of BEARDS. LINK »
Cupcake Sandwich Contest — It’s Not Too Late!
Howdy, Systemics! Wow, some of you guys are going all out with the CUPCAKE SANDWICH contest! As well you should, because we’ve gotten some awesome entries! I’ll save the full size photos for the results, but here is a sneak peak at some thumbnails. Remember, there’s still another day to enter the contest!
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The System 351: The Cupcake Sandwich

This is my gift to the world. A way of fully indulging in the joys of the cupcake without any of the drawbacks. A way that balances every bite with frosting, cake, and the joy of knowing you have truly proven yourself to be an enlightened and practical individual. I know what you’re thinking, there must be some drawbacks! Here are some common questions about THE CUPCAKE SANDWICH:
Won’t the frosting get everywhere?
While some frosting does leak out the sides at times, this is a perfect opportunity to have a bit of frosting by itself without having to have globs of it all at once. Don’t consider this a drawback, but an opportunity.
How is this any shorter than it was before? Won’t getting it in your mouth still be a problem? And your math sucks, cupcakes are not 2x the height of my mouth.
First of all, you are probably the same detractors that found flaws in the Full Gadget Ratio. Nertz to you. Second, no this will not be a problem. The cakey bottom, once placed on top, creates a “safe zone” for your hands with which you can compress the size of the cupcake at will, without getting your hands covered in frosting. As for the height of the cupcake vs mouth, it may not be perfect but sometimes the best things in life aren’t.
How have I never thought of this before?
This is why I’m an internet humorist and you’re a reader. We all have our roles to play.
UPDATE: Systemic Brownpau sends word that others have come up with the same idea…
Time for a contest, Systemics!
You have ONE WEEK (until the end of 4/1/2010 EST) to send me a photo of you and your friends enjoying a CUPCAKE SANDWICH. These must be emailed to systemcomic at gmail. Points will be given based on:
- Amazingness of the cupcake
- Composition of the photo
- Number of people eating CUPCAKE SANDWICHES in the photo
- Originality
What’s on the line?
- A print of the CUPCAKE SANDWICH comic you see above from
- A shirt of your choosing from, including the fresh new “Beards Turn Laziness Into Awesomeness” shirt (which is still on preorder sale through tomorrow!)
- A post on the site all about you and your CUPCAKE SANDWICH experience