The System 660: How The System Is Made

Today’s comic is dedicated to Jamie Noguchi, who insists that I should make this shirt:
Thanks to everyone who came out to Anime Expo! The show was a great time, and our two Super Art Fight shows were a ton of fun. I’ll post more about those when I can. In the meantime…
Connecticon This Weekend!
That’s right! This weekend I’ll be a guest at Connecticon, where The System first premiered five years ago. A fifth anniversary of awesomeness. So be sure to come visit my table and say hello, I’ll have more information in tomorrow’s post.
Also stay tuned for a very special update about the first ever BOOK OF SYSTEM COMICS! I’m just waiting on the Kickstarter approval…
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Cruggs. We has it.
Systemic (and friend (and webcomic artist (and Super Art Fight combatant) ) ) Jamie sent this in after yesterday’s comic about Crocs / Uggs (now forward known as Cruggs). I personally think Cruggs is too nice of a term for these monstrosities, and therefore Croots (Croc Boots) is more on par with what I think of them.
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The System 126

For once, this one won’t be on Is It Funny Today because I posted it at 2AM on Fruday morning, and then backdated it in order to not screw up the archive. Alas. Oh well, another will be up later today.
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The System 115

I don’t know why it was a good idea, but I biked to work today. That was dumb. I need new gear, or I’m going to start losing extremities. Vote here.
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A Quick Story from Ben
Long-time friend and Systemic Ben provides this amazing story, eerily similar to comic #1-0-8.
me: i got a story you will appreciate
Rosscott: yeah?
me: it’s not that long and it’s not that great but you will appreciate it. anyways…
Rosscott: go
me: i was in the bathroom taking a leak and somebody else comes in and he’s on the phone with his mom
Rosscott: lol, i like it
me: not just on the phone. the call is placed and connected as he comes in. first thing i hear this guy say is “hey mom”. not only that, he goes into one of the stalls to take a leak, stays on the phone, despite all the leak-ing going on. flushes the toilet while still talking, and leaves while still on the phone with his mom. and i think you can spot the worst part of this story.
Rosscott: didnt wash his hands.[beat]
Rosscott: please let me post this on the site
The rest, as they say, is history. I love fun little stories like this. Be sure to comment with them to this post, or just send them to me as you can (systemcomic at gmail dot com) and if they’re in the least bit hilarious, they’ll wind up on the site.
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System in the Wild: Animated Edition
Systemic and legal council to The System Ben has pointed me to this great animation, using all of your favorite characters. Go see all the people you know and love, in this hip little video. I wish I could say I had something to do with this, but I didn’t. (Watch out, there’s music and no way to mute it.) Link.
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The System 100

There you have it, Systemics. 100 comics down. It’s been a long ride, full of ups and downs, but we have managed to find a path. A path that I could not be happier to be a part of. I hope you guys stick with me as we continue down it.
Some of you guys are probably noticing some changes around the site. An updated look, some new WP plugins to help smooth things out (most noticably the ability to reply to particular comments), and more features are on the way. In store for the next couple of weeks:
- More ways to share The System.
- Ways for you to show your support (read: give me money and buy stuff).
- More of the fun content that keeps you coming back.
Meanwhile, keep enjoying the site. As stated above, comics will be posted until morale improves, and probably then some.
PS, can you name the comics referenced above?
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The System 98

A Quick Note About Guest Comic Week
Guest comics will be posted every day this week (November 17 – 21st) in preparation for the big event next week: The System Comic #100. You guys can expect the same inane blog posts in the meantime, and start getting ready for a few big surprises around here.
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An Informal Survey
How did you come across The System? Post in the comments how it is you got to be here.