The System 781: Happy Monday

The System 590: Attract Bears

I don’t know if you’ve heard that women attract bears due to something about hormones or menstruation, but that’s been proven untrue (even the National Park Service says so). Women DO still attract bears, but for completely different reasons.
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The System 535: Girls Don’t… (Continued)

A followup to yesterday’s comic, I couldn’t resist.
I’m not the first to use the term “Schrödinger’s Poop” (so glad THAT’S now in my search history), but I think I’m using it best. Of course, previously featured was a quick history on why Schrödinger used a cat and not a dog, which you should go read here.
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The System 534: Girls Don’t…

The System 425: Life Skype

Sorry for the lack of any real post-substance on Tuesday (and the fact that the comic was up Tuesday and not Monday), but the weekend in NYC at New York Comic Con killed me pretty fiercely. I’m planning to write more about it in the future, but in the meantime thanks to all of you who came by the table! The fans who said hi, the new people who found the comic, and the other comic-friends who bothered to come by. The weekend was a huge success, and I’ll definitely be going back next year.
Super Art Fight 8: This Friday!
If you are anywhere in the viscinity of Baltimore or DC, you should make your way to Baltimore’s The Ottobar on Friday night for an event I help put on called SUPER ART FIGHT 8 with special musical guest, nerdcore rapper MC FRONTALOT. You can get all the info you need on why this is awesome and tickets here. The short version? It’s somewhere between Pictionary and Pro Wrestling, with all your favorite artists fighting to the death for your approval. If that doesn’t get you interested, I don’t know what will. See you there Friday!
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The System 388: Know Your Symbols

The System 336: Pat-rooms and Imblad-ance

Patrooms, Imbladance, and Skiffs. 3 more terms to add to the growing System lexicon. I’m beginning to think there should be a wiki for all this.
Sure puts the “toil” in toilet!
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The System 334: Thread Theory

The System 313: Front Ends

The System 303: What We’ve Learned Lately

Here is that recap I promised, in the same vein as #100 and #200. As I said in the post on #300, thank you all for reading, commenting, sending in System in the Wild posts, and doing all the little things you do to support The System. I notice.
Remember, this, along with all comics, can be purchased as a comic print through! This one comes out to a Super A3/B print (13″ x 19″ paper for all you laymen) that is high quality poster awesomeness. It may be way bigger than the normal comic, but it’s still the same $10 at!
UPDATE: Systemic Lextrical put together a little “magic bean”, a piece of music based upon this comic. Here it is!
What We’ve Learned Lately by lextrical